Sunday, May 23, 2010

Senior Prom

My girlfriend (Zoe) and I went to the Senior Prom, which to add to the strange things Casco Bay High School does, it was themed "On a Boat!", which it was. Since we were also "feeding the machine" by going to this prom, we made our own modifications and broke a lot of the traditions. To begin with we both wore flip flops, Zoe made me a delicious boutonniere, and I wore me nicest clothes instead of renting a strange tux with even stranger stains.

There is something underling, weird, and sexual about our mascot, especially when it becomes a cafe....

Here is the second floor, with the Cougar Lounge. We hit some waves and the boat really rocked, I swear that chandelier went at a 45 degree angle.

The first floor had an actual professional dj, we did not have one last year, so a major improvement. 

I slowly ate my boutonniere over the course of the night until it was gone.... 

The boat actually went out pretty far, I think we went around Cousins Island, but I am not entirely sure.

Since it was cold we would trade off between inside and outside. Although it was certainly worth the views. The lights would flicker as the engine changed speeds.

And we made it back alive and dry!

1 comment:

  1. hey, this isn't mostly about small animals! but it's nice anyway.
