Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Process of Going to College

I have begun packing for school. I swear I am packing the essentials! I am prepping for life in small dorm. I take notice in the small things that differ in packing for college versus backpacking, which honestly, feels luxurious. 


My friend (a.k.a. Zoe, The Terrible Modern, or Nilbog,) has already begun the process of unpacking at her new school. She now resides in this building.

Currently I am busy putting in a crushed rock around my house as well as some painting, and seeing friends in between. Although I am so rusty at it, I am enjoying an already 2.5 day streak of reading and writing, and it feels good.

Other habits I am looking forward to restarting is swimming and meditation. Last year this time I weighed about 153 pounds, 155 pounds maximum. Now I weigh 138-139 which is mostly due to lack of exercise and a coffee diet. I can't say I will join the swim team at Hogwarts for sure, but it really is tempting, I just want my weekends! As for meditation...

Last night as one of a few culminating event of the summer, a bunch of my friends and I collected at Bayside Bowl. My first score was 58, followed by a 62 in the second game. I beat Obama.


My camera was hijacked and used to take photos of people shaking their faces. Here is the complete album.



Isaac also made a mocumentry. 


I present to you: TONIGHT WE BOWL

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOD. that movie. also, seeing you packing for college makes me SAD.

    - when did you start bowling?

    - wheniwasasmallchild.
