Sunday, November 28, 2010

Continuing the blog

I have been debating whether or not to continue blogging since it would be feeding a world that seems to eat only synthesized experience. People need to experience things at the source, be there, feel, and live.

The goal of this blog is to improve my writing, documenting, and multimedia skills through practice. Unfortunately it will always be that I can only capture a small portion of the experience, no matter what.

So please go out and reach deeply into the world. I hope I can give you ideas for your own adventure, no matter how big or small. My most favorite experience in Europe has been walking in a field of grass.




  1. NO, max! don't stop writing in your blog!! your perspective on this experience is unique, and that's why people read blogs like yours. and for you, the process of writing about and photographing your experiences can be SO helpful to gaining perspective on what you did/saw. reading about other people's adventures is an important part of my experience of life.

  2. I will continue for now.... for later, for fun, for myself, for everybody.
