Monday, August 9, 2010

Lleida's bus station

Well, I don't have any pictures of the bus station, I was afraid to pull out more than a one euro at the time. On the sketchy scale ranging from the DMV (1), to this bus station (5 or 6), and imprisonment by the Talibán (10). I was not 100% sure if Iris was going to come get me.... I knew I was going to wait at least an hour.

Well an hour went by. A man whistling the same song passed my 6 or 7 times in the same direction, he was just circling the block. I began to chat with what I thought to be a local woman, maybe 25 with a black lab that licked me consistently through our conversation. I was trying to make a plan B other than going back to Barcelona, internet cafes are closed on sunday. She pointed at my Sanuk sandals and said "that company sponsors me to climb", whoa. Her boyfriend finally caught up, they offered to take me to their flat to email Iris. As I opened my mouth to say yes, Iris pulled up on the curb.

In Barcelona I bought two miniatures at a "chinese shop" or that is how it translates, also known as a dollar store. The locals promise that it's name is not as racist as what it translates to. I paid 4€ for both, which would have bought me a pencil at Sagrada Familia. Honestly I am really happy with them, and only after purchasing them did I truly discover how precious they actually are (in defects!).


Iris and I covered her dads health food store for 2 hours today, I ducked out and found some coffee.

I got into an interesting conversation with Iris, concerning if home ever changes. She says the canal for irrigating the crops has been covered in some spots, there has been a bit of urban expansion as well. Then my thoughts carried on to imagining other changes, and then some things about home that does not ever change at all.

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