for the record zoë thought of this first about 3 weeks ago. here are packing list modifications we would have as of now....
things i wish i brought:
-lonely planet guide
-a small element for boiling a cup of water for tea or coffee. it would be really handy if we were around electricity all the time, it also cleans the water. the downside is i would still need to bring my water filters….
-sunglasses, but those i carelessly forgot.
-zoë wishes she brought a pumice stone to scrub her feet with.
things i did not need at all:
-some clothes i really do not need…. but it is hard to tell since we are going to a completely different climate.
-my little arsonist friend brought about 7 or 8 boxes of matches, we only need 1
-blasted US nokia cell phone which refuses to work, (this i will sell and keep the sim card.)
-swim trunks, it's easier to go naked, and the indians leave you alone.
things i could do without:
-i brought one shirt and one pants too many, i only need one of each, plus it's so easier to buy another pair.
-i have a extra pair of light shoes i don't really wear.
-zoë and i have 8 or 9 books between us, 3 of which we only really need, 3 we are trying to sell, and the rest we are reading.
things i am glad i brought:
-coffee filter
-maine organic maple syrup!!!
-i am glad zoë brought the ukulele, though she questions whether it was a good idea
-small nylon backpack
and here is my arsonist friend at lunch just a few hours ago! (lovely southern thali in the foreground.)
it'll be interesting to see how these lists change (if at all) when you get to the himalayas (p.s. your sunglasses are on zoë's dresser).