Friday, June 24, 2011



I have had a cold meaning I have had time to do some art. This is Bigfoot or known by his peers as Samsquanch.

Zoe and I went to the beach yesterday. We bought a pile of lunch and took the train. Then we were hit by a few waves of rain which we mostly avoided by hiding under part of a tsunami wall. The sky was very dark and the sand was blowing by horizontally. 


We were the only visitors at the beach who had not driven their car onto the beach. This is a very new idea for me but it seems popular with the Japanese. In the picture below you can see a few cars have sunk. A bulldozer pulled out two cars while we were eating lunch.


1 comment:

  1. feel better, max! can't wait to see you guys, but i'm SO GLAD you're having such a nice last week in japan. see you in three days!
