Sunday, July 10, 2011

Home at last.

I made it safely back to home on three moderately uneventful flights. We literally ran to the exit of the airport where I found my mom and the Woodbury-High's waiting for Zoe and me. It was a great reunion. Zoe hung out in Boston for a night while I went straight back to Portland. It all felt good but very surreal, maybe it was from being so exhausted.

Jet lag lasted a week but was tolerable. Once I stopped wanting to go to bed at 5 things were pretty good. For the most part I slipped back into Maine life almost too well. It was really nice to see everyone and receive a few gifts, dad got me a Buddha lamp for at college.


A "Maine theme" party was put in order for a good welcome back. I made a pinata for the occasion of a Ferry, which Charlotte thought was the mystical pixie like being, but instead took form of a boat that transports people from island to island off the Maine coast.


The Pinata was huge. We filled it with salt water taffy and other cheap candy from "Renys, A Maine Adventure," and painted it the appropriate colors. It took a while to hang because it was so heavy but once up the vessel peacefully swayed in the summer breeze.


It then met death via croquet mallet and a girl in a dirndl. There were also many other kids there who took many swings until it gave up the simple carbohydrate treasure within the hull.


Since I have been back I have gone bowling:




And I have enjoyed our most explosive and important holiday of the year, the 4th of July:



I have been getting my drink on, it has mostly been moxie actually.


And hanging out near the castle. Right now the past year feels like a crazy dream that never actually happened but I know that it did. The large gap in my blog is due to my effort in putting a book together about this past year, which I hope to complete before college. More on that soon.


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