Friday, May 11, 2012



You may have seen this photo a few weeks ago. I have finished them! So now I shall reveal and explain the inspirations for these Buddhas. First is fasting Buddha, one of my favorites, also one of the only figure with Buddha as man versus an awakened being. This photo is from my trip to the MET.


Fasting Buddha

Fasting Buddha

Next, this is one of my favorite Buddhas I saw while traveling and also the one that inspired this project.

The Buddha I made is obviously based off of this one I saw in Japan. He ended up looking kind of like my advisor so I have named him Sleepy Meditating Professor Huntington Buddha. He is sleepy because his head slumped a little bit in the hotter glaze firing.

Sleepy Meditating Professor Huntington Buddha

Sleepy Meditating Professor Huntington Buddha

Buddha under the Bodhi Tree

(A candle can also fit inside the tree, lighting the Buddha's eyes and holes in the tree, the arrangement of the branches are based on my hair.)

Buddha under the Bodhi Tree

Buddha under the Bodhi Tree




Left: Chinese Monk
Right: Buddha Head

Chinese MonkBuddha Head

Left: Incense Burner
Right: Buddha Feet

Incense BurnerBuddha's Feet

Left: Reclining Buddha
Right: Buddha Head and Miyazaki Giant Warrior inspired Skull

Reclining BuddhaPeaceful Buddha w/ Giant Warrior Skull

1 comment:

  1. Max, these are breathtaking-
    So beautiful and they all hang together as a collection. I can't choose a favorite; I kept changing my mind each time I saw a new one.

    Can't wait to see what you do next!
