Saturday, May 19, 2012

She is off to India...

Zoë visited me for a bit before she left for India today. During her stay we did the usual: cook awesome food, drink a lot of coffee, sauna, wander, and she even painted on some of my ceramics (coming soon.) Below is the night we made Japanese food, it was amazing, and the third setting was for our friend Anthony. 


We had to go to a few favorite places, including the Yellow Deli. You should see their awesome bus and ship!

Zoë I'm front of Yellow Deli 

And the Autumn Cafe...

Iced Chai at the Autumn Cafe

Jenna dyed Zoë's hair, and a pakistani girl at school thought she was indian when she wore her salwar kameez.

We drank tea by the lake while we waited for the sauna to get hot.

Tea for two by the lake. 

And now she is off to India...

On the Path, Off the Road

You can follow Zoë's adventures on her blog.