Tuesday, July 27, 2010

locked-out and anemic

is not as bad as it sounds. I will buy supplements for B12 soon, and I am getting better about finding sources of protein. At EcoDharma the meals are balanced, but here in Salas I must think about it.

And about being locked-out, I do not have any keys! So I am locked-out of the house whenever I leave, and today in addition I was locked-out of the bakery as well, so I wandered the town for many hours.

I made some iced coffee before I left to drink at work. Reshaping my plans I found a bench a block away and admired the view while thoroughly enjoying my morning coffee.

A common theme of any old town in Spain is water, no water-no life. So there are many natural springs all over town, about every other block. Originally it was for cattle and humans pre-plumbing. The troughs are still here, and still functioning.

They are still used by animals to this day!


.... and now.

Any guess as to what this is?

It is where everyone in town use to do their laundry. I also found the remains of a mill, no idea how it worked though, I think it was hydro-powered....

I mark my trail as I go along.

I walked pretty far out of town, here is the entire place in one photograph.

And at last I made it back home, and waited on this bench. Eulalia showed up shortly after, yay!


  1. i knew your lessons in how to make iced coffee would end up coming in handy!

  2. re: protein. here's a good basic tip:

    at least 5 servings of whole grains
    at least 3 servings of vegetables
    at least 2 servings of beans/legumes

    don't freak out about the protein thing -- there is protein in broccoli, there is protein in bread. i think a lot of it is getting used to eating that way. but the b12 is a great idea (maybe even a multi-b supplement in addition).
