Friday, July 23, 2010

Saving Seeds

takes a long time....

I am specifically saving wheat, about 25-30 different kinds. The idea is you take the grain, as seen on the right, remove everything, and save it in a jar as seen on the left. What happens in between is a bit of a process.

First I start out with a pile of wheat. Each kind is bagged and labeled, this is about the average load for each type of wheat.

I must break up each piece of wheat individually, removing what I suppose could be called the cob. Everything else is collected in the stylish bowl.

I then pray for some wind, and shake the bowl, the lighter pieces rise to the top and blow away. The seeds stay on the bottom, but I must often blow on the bowl to get all the seed casings out.

I am experimenting with more efficient ways, but this took me about 1 1/2 hours. It seems to work well!

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