Thursday, July 12, 2012

An evening in Guangzhou

I'm in Guangzhou now and already teaching at an English immersion summer camp called "American Scene". Our councilor t-shirts have american flags on them -let's just say we stand out on the street. Luckily the school did not actually pick the shirts. Despite the uniforms we're actually doing some really cool alternative education practices for China, but I'll get into that later after I catch you all up on Woodenfish.

However, I need to tell you a little about today...

So the power goes out and the kids (ages 8-10,) screamed pretending to be scared. The moment it went dark one kid grabbed a half dozen scissors and ran straight out the door. I blocked the other kids from running out while Nico (a CIT,) went after the kid. Apparently when Nico caught him the boy claimed he had to go to the bathroom badly, Nico thought this was BS -like anybody would- and dragged him back to the class. When the lights turned back on there was a big wet spot on his pants. These kids are more than a handful.

This evening I went out to dinner with a bunch of teachers at the Beijing restaurant. I don't know what it's really called, we just name them after their food style. Anyways, the food was awesome.

When we left the restaurant these dudes in the photo below were sitting on the street corner playing a banjo. My heart twinged for Zoe, but then I had a good laugh at the Chinese style music adapted to banjo. We hung out for a few minutes and they played us a song, there was mutual entertainment on both sides. The guy playing the Banjo was definitely the most clothed out of the five of them. It's fairly accepted for men to wander around anywhere they want at night without a shirt. Seriously, they grocery shop without a shirt past 6pm. This group were a bunch of construction workers relaxing after a long day. God... or more like Buddha: I love Asia.

Works Relaxing & Playing Banjo

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