Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The squatters village

Due to the high amount of Anarchist in Catalunya, right before WWII Franco forced everyone out of the villages and into the cities. To this day there are still many villages unoccupied in Catalunya and there is a movement to go back. I suppose they could be hippies, they squat in unoccupied villages, have babies and dogs, and a party that goes on for years. Most of the women are topless and the toddlers have never worn clothes.

I ended up in one of these towns because it had a meeting for environmental activist groups to share ideas. While I cannot truly speak for EcoDharma, they were very annoyed by how laxed the whole event was. EcoDharma is about action, most of the people there had other plans. I could only take photos outside of the town, the squatters get very nervous around cameras. I managed to get one in the church, they covered Jesus with a bedsheet, we sat in a circle in the 20'x35' building, the pews long gone.

Notice the building built into the cliff.

On the way home Lou said we need some canes for building terraces to support the tomatoes. We turned off the highway to a road leading towards a pig farm. As we pulled up to the cane store I realized it was a ditch. I laughed, why on earth would EcoDharma buy something that is everywhere and unwanted?

Carroll, Lou, and I had quite a bit of fun collecting the canes. We strapped them to the roof of the landrover, I discovered that there's a mattress resting on the rack above the vehicle! The sun was setting and the temperature became bearable, maybe this will work out.

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